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I'm tired...

I'm tired, and I'm not the only one.

I'm tired of the Legislative Branch not holding the Executive Branch accountable. I'm tired of the Executive Branch violating their oaths of office on the daily. I'm tired of the constant scandals that are released rapid fire. I'm just tired.

My boss has three employees. Two of them, myself and my subordinate, were inherited from another department when there was a restructure. Upon restructure, I lost my office to him, and lost my subordinate to him. He hired another person, who is clearly his favorite.

I have rated Exceptional and Highly Effective on my prior reviews. He comes along and suddenly I'm "Adequate".

I'm a high performer, but he nitpicks me, tells me I rush, tells me I don't problem solve the right way.

My former subordinate? Let me tell you, I was happy when he took her. I have managed a great number of people and let me tell you, she is one of, if not the most, difficult person I ever had to manage.

What does all of this have to do with the government? My boss had me in HR for mediation because I didn't communicate ONE THING to him and that I didn't problem solve the way he liked. This troublesome woman, has not been to HR once. I know this because she is openly complaining about her job constantly and said, "I'm surprised I haven't been to HR yet."

Here I am, working my ass off, proving myself again and again and he takes me to HR because I'm, what, not him? Then you have her, a clusterfuck of a human being, rude, abrasive, confused and she's hunky dory in his book.

Trump is her. I am Obama. Get it?

I'm off for the next two days and I couldn't be happier. I am so fed up with the double standard. As a woman, who is also a straight A student, who is also a high performer, I don't deserve the bullshit that I deal with. I don't mean to compare myself to this other woman, it's just that I managed her, so I know the facts about her performance.

The issue isn't me. My self-assessment is due soon and it will be glowing because I am a good worker and this guy can go fuck himself.

Sorry, this post took a strange I said, I'm tired.


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