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Trump's "Fixers"

It's weird to me that Rudy Giuliani is flapping his yap on national television about the President of the United States. It's weird to me that virtually every professional in the field of law is disturbed by his comments. It's weird that Trump is proud of Giuliani's comments.

I suppose "weird" is par for the course in 2018. Deaths related to gun violence are on the rise and the party that claims to be "pro-life" is continuously advocating for more guns. It's important to note that they simply don't understand that people who are "pro-choice" don't want the government making the decision on women's rights. It's between the doctor and patient...just like Viagra is none of my business...although doesn't that contribute to the abortion argument whereas birth control helps to mitigate necessary abortions? Ah, right, logic need not apply to these Republican men. As long as they can get off and pay off, who cares? Am I right? SMH!

I digress...Trump. Trump. Trump... the more I say it the more I sit gobsmacked that this is reality. We have a president that seems to have cheated to become president. It seems like there were multiple layers of this cheating just in case one of them failed.

Fox News helped him.
Russia helped him.
The general media helped him because he helped them...

People have lied for this person just so he could be elevated to president. He never deserved it. He doesn't deserve the honor of the office. He never will. 

Donald Trump is the occupant of the Oval Office but he is 100% not the President of the United States. He's not held to a standard of past Presidents, he doesn't have the dignity of past Presidents, he is not only not Presidential, he's hardly professional.

A man who has floated through life on handouts and connections has bullied himself to where he is. The "MAGA" people are blinded and in a cult. I'm not sure what it would take to shake them out of it, but they are blind.

If we strip down what Trump is, it's pretty simple, he's a thug. He's a wannabe. 

For 30 years he tried to be famous. He was a socialite, married to beautiful women, talking about his sexual conquests like they were his own personal Vietnam (completely insulting to soldiers and women btw), he had regular appearances with Howard Stern, a "shock jock", and Opie and Anthony, also "shock jocks." He got to where he is by being disgusting and the disgusting underbelly of the United States that thinks he's funny still somehow thinks he can lead and be exempt from law and scrutiny. 

No, no, no.

He is not exempt. He thinks he is. He's not.

Did he collude with Russia? I think so. However, even if he didn't, his son did and Trump then worked to help his son draft a statement trying to dispel suspicion. Manafort colluded. Flynn colluded. Stone colluded. Cohen colluded. How many people in his circle have colluded? Lots.

Cohen worked to stifle damaging stories. He played PR. The National Enquirer played PR. Problem is, public life isn't private life. You can't pay people off so it doesn't disrupt the election. We have a right to know what we are getting into. I think most of us knew.

There is evidence of voting machine tampering. Did the vote counts change? Yeah, I really think they did. I really think they were changed where it mattered most and the rules of the states, like Michigan, were leveraged to make sure the votes that were needed weren't counted. Some votes can be legally tossed. Look it up. (I'll find the links on the information later and post.)

Either way, we are in a state of crisis because if Trump had Plan A, B and C, at least Plans A and B succeeded. What else did he cover up? What else don't we know? What lengths will he go to to preserve his "reputation"? 

I think he would go as far as doing whatever a foreign president wanted to keep that secret a secret.


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