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Fox 'News' is the Real Fake News

I used to think that the President of the United (I just accidentally typed that as "untied" and felt it sort of fitting) States of America had the absolute best and most complete information at his fingertips. I don't feel that way with the man occupying the Oval Office right now.

This is my perception of Donald Trump:

He wakes up, he turns on Fox News, he picks up his phone, he tweets.

I believe he presides in a bubble listening only to the talking heads on his favorite television station. I believe he is a conspiracy theorist that keeps friends like Alex Jones and Sean Hannity. I believe that these men are dangerous and the fact that Trump only listens to them and the one news medium that caters to him, is frightening.

We have the head of Homeland Security claiming they have yet to read the threat assessment that Russia favored Trump as a candidate and doesn't even think they tried to help him.

How can 17 Intelligence Agencies be wrong but Fox News be right? They can't.

I'm reading a book right now about some of the sophisticated intelligence measures of the NSA and DOD and the information they produce is to be trusted. One tiny tool is a parabolic microphone that can pick up vibrations on a bag of potato chips and tell you what the conversation was that transpired near that bag of chips. This is some seriously smart, technical stuff. Sean Hannity and Fox News do not have that.

The president is the executive of the US. He is there to execute laws and to enforce the Constitution. He is not there to bend the laws to his will and violate the first amendment.

What has been really driven home by having this strange person occupy the Oval Office is that America is the Intelligence Community. America is the Military. America is the People. It's up to the president to LEAD America and not DRIVE America.

Trump isn't leading. He's not a leader. He emphasizes media personalities as if they are the last word. They aren't. They don't have all the information. US Intel has the information but he doesn't listen to it. He doesn't read his briefings. He doesn't read, period.

He goes on these wild twitter tangents triggered by something an editorial talk show host says on television and expects that we all know what the f he's referring to. He tweets, "Witch Hunt!" with no additional context, no explanation, nothing, just two words. What the hell?

I remember watching an episode of Growing Pains when I was a kid. Mike Seaver was watching television, I believe he was watching a game show. His father came in the room and asked him to turn off the television to he could talk to him. The conversation ensued and eventually concluded. When Mike turned the television back on he was astonished that his show was over. Why didn't the show wait for him to come back and watch before it ended??? <<<---- this is Trump...and he's 71...and not fictional.

So what can we do? Well, for one thing we can get a bill out there that mandates that "NEWS" remain fair, balanced and objective. Reagan ruined that, and look at what resulted.

For another thing, we can hold Fox accountable. They shouldn't be called "News", they aren't news.

How much longer can our democracy sustain the strain this man and the complicit GOP are causing? We are in the midst of a Constitutional Crisis and the GOP doesn't give a flying fuck because they are getting richer and that's all they care about.

Every single day I get sick to my stomach over this.

To the men and women in the Intelligence Community, America thanks you for all you do.


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