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I know I'm not the only person feeling frustrated. I know that I'm not the minority when I fight against injustice and wrongness. I know that I have allies and because I know that, I keep on going and try to stay positive.

So what causes most of my frustration? This guy:
Image result for trump 1980

Ever since Donald Trump stumbled onto the scene, he's been a problem. He has one motivator, money. He also happens to be a racist and a misogynist. He also happens to be a serial liar and a serial cheater.

Donald Trump is still living in the days when it was totally acceptable to:
  • Use racial epithets in public
  • Smack his secretary on the ass for a job well done
  • Whistle at females under his employ
  • Routinely telling females in his employ that they are "beautiful"
  • Deny renting to minorities
  • Assume all minorities are criminals
  • Assume that a person has to look a certain way to be of a certain heritage
  • Promote white men to the highest levels of authority
  • Build a thicker glass ceiling rather than break it down
  • Discriminate against others on the basis of religion, race, creed, color, gender, etc.
Image result for trump 1980

That is the face of arrogance. That is the face of family money. That is the face of a man who has never in his life had to be accountable for his actions.

Image result for trump 1980

Trump inherited his father's face and his mother's hair. His wives always look like they're pumped full of Quaaludes and would rather be laying face down on a feather bed than in his company.

The frustration I feel comes from the bed of lies that Trump lives on. It comes from the amplification of those lies by Fox News and the Washington Times. It comes from the people that believe him over all other evidence to the contrary and, of course, it comes from the republicans in office that enable him.

People like Don Jr and Roger Stone thought it was perfectly acceptable to seek kompromat on a political opponent. They had to have reason to think this was okay. I'm just a regular American and I certainly don't think it's okay.

Don Jr met with Russians to get information on his father's political opponent and we are supposed to believe Don Sr. never knew? Roger Stone has built his reputation on being a "dirty trickster" but we are supposed to believe he had nothing to do with the Wikileaks data dump? And that's just the very tip of the iceberg.

Everyday bots and actual (stupid) humans amplify Trump's rhetoric and further the divide of a country that keeps getting further away from its roots. It is going to take years to repair the damage done by the Trump administration.

I look at the deep south, I look at the poverty in some of these dark red states and I am baffled that they think Republicans are helping them. Republicans have one agenda that Trump ripped the veil off of, to get rich off the poor.

When will devout Trump supporters see the truth for what it is? Trump is lying. That's all he ever does. All he is is a poor man's version of a rich man, a stupid man's version of a smart man, an ugly man's version of a good looking man...he acts the way he thinks he is supposed to act but he's too stupid to learn. In fact, I think Trump lacks capacity to learn anything. If he had the ability to learn he wouldn't think that printing more money was a good idea. He would have taken Economics 101 and realized that's a bad idea. But he puts himself first.

Here's the thing, it isn't about him.

It's about bettering the lives of the people of the United States.

Is he doing that?

Are the elected republicans doing that?

Ask yourself that question honestly and answer honestly.

Governments need balance. Uber liberals and uber conservatives can co-exist as long as there are moderates in between to provide balanced stability. We don't have that. Part of it is the curse of a two party system that has given us an additional way to separate ourselves. Instead of black and white, we are red and blue. When will it stop?

When we start seeing public figures become joyful over children being teargassed, we've gone beyond the point of no return. When we see the President of the United States defending a Saudi Prince over his own CIA, we have gone beyond the point of no return. When a candidate for Senate can pose with confederate flags and talk about wanting to see a public hanging, we have gone beyond the point of no return.

The United States has a deep racism and it has bubbled over the surface ever since Trump gave license that it was okay to be a bigot. This is what frustrates me.

There are no borders, humans made them up.
If you are religious you believe we are all God's children.

So why then do we continue to punish people that are trying to find refuge? That's wrong on a humanitarian level and a spiritual level. Children being taken from parents, children being detained, children being gassed...why? Because they don't fit the visual that the president thinks they should fit? They aren't white enough for him? Why doesn't he care about Kashoggi? His name ends in a vowel so thereby he isn't worthy?

I'm fed up. When did public servants become so openly greedy and self-enriching. It has to stop on both sides of the aisle. 

Trump is NOT the root of the problem, but he is the mouthpiece and if he is removed and put in his place (prison) then we can address the issue of reunited the nation, but he has to be removed from office first. He is the number one problem that is inciting the violence that lives under the surface of these deep red Americans.
Image result for north america terrain map


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