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I thought it might be interesting to compare the resume of Robert Mueller to that of Donald Trump. Care to take a peak? (I tried to keep it objective.)

Robert Swan Mueller IIIImage result for young bob mueller Donald John Trump Sr.
DOB August 7, 1944 June 14, 1946
Place of Birth New York City New York City
Place Raised Philadelphia New York City
High School St. Paul's, New Hampshire New York Military Academy
High School Sport Captain of the Soccer Team Soccer
Political Affiliation Republican Party Republican Party
College Princeton Fordham
Wharton University of Pennsylvania
Degree Bachelor's in Politics Bachelor's in Economics
Graduate School New York University
Degree Master's in International Relations
Military Marine Corp. Deferred
Military Awards Bronze Star (with valor)
Purple Heart Medal
Navy Commendation Medal (2) (with valor)
Combat Action Ribbon
South Vietnam Gallantry Cross
Law School University of Virginia Law School None
Career Path US District Attorney for Northern California Employee at Elizabeth Trump and Son
Chief of Northern California's Criminal Division President of (Fred) Trump Management Inc.
Assistant US Attorney for Massachusetts Chairman/President of Trump Organization
Acting US Attorney for Massahusetts Reality TV Host
Department of Justice to prosecutre Noriega President of the United States
Head of DOJ Criminal Division
Formed DOJ's first Cyber Unit
Homicide Division in DC
US Attorney for Norther California
Deputy Attorney General for George W. Bush
FBI Director under George W. Bush
Teacher at Stanford
United States Special Counsel overseeing Russia Investigation
Conflicts Declared Bankruptcy 6 times
Defendant in Civil Rights case for not renting to minorities
Took out an ad accusing Central Park Five
Trump Shuttle was created and failed
Trump University outed as a scam
Shady Business Deals with Russia
Spouse Ann Cabell Standish Ivana Trump
Marla Maples
Melania Trump
Children 2 5


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