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Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

As many of you may know I am a huge fan of I listen to books during my commute and because of Audible I have exposed myself to books that I would have had a hard time sitting down and reading, not only because of the lack of time I have, but because of the nature of the content. I tend to like fiction over non-fiction.

My latest listen is a book called Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. It's fascinating.

A few chapters back the author spoke on gender differences and various theories about why patriarchal societies throughout history far outweigh matriarchal societies. Biologists and anthropologists can't seem to come to any type of logical conclusion for this. The author floated one out that I'm going to editorialize on.
He said that women are "more cooperative" than men and have seemed to not really care about conquering new lands or being motivated by wanting power. Men, on the other hand, wanted power, they wanted to fight, they wanted to take over.

It's interesting because the females went along keeping it all together. They foraged for food, cared for the young and basically grew the community all while men were out looking for something to conquer.

That says so much to me about our current state of things. Since women were holding it all together and we seem to be much more willing to go along to get along and find compromises historically and men are running into new territories with weapons drawn, it's no wonder we ended up here.

Sorry men, you need to be reeled in.

For too long, literally tens of thousands of years, men have been taking things that don't belong to them all while women grow the family, feed the family, teach the family and nurture the family. Our history created a gender role that appeared subservient when in fact it was the glue holding it all together.

A few times in history we see the female step out and weigh the balance. People like Abigail and John Adams, for example. Abigail was a voice that John listened to and she made sure to opine openly and often. But she is the exception to the rule and now we are in 2018, in the United States, with a rape culture.

Think of our history as a pyramid. The base is wide and slow, as we move forward in time the pyramid gets smaller and smaller. I believe we have reached the top, we are at the point of the pyramid and there is nowhere else to go but straight up.
Image result for peacemakers

It's time.

We have gotten so deep in capitalism that we are allowing money, something pretend, to dictate everything.

Buddha said that the only way for humans to reach nirvana is to eliminate craving. Can you? Can we?

It might be the only way we can endure.

When I say that homosapiens are a virus people get pissed at me. Fine, I get it, I'm calling you a virus, get mad. But no, I'm calling the collective "us" a virus. We spread, we consume, we overcome, we evolve, we produce, we kill.

A friend said, "You can't call us a virus because that's an insult to God." But God is also pretend. We made him up. He became real because many believed and still believe.
Image result for mythology
We can cure the virus, though. This virus can be cured if we eliminate craving. If we want more for others than we have for ourselves.

The great enlightened masters of our history, Buddha, Jesus, Osho, etc, are the vaccine to that virus IF their messages are followed. If we preach but do not follow, we are failing, we are becoming the virus.

So men, can you all please settle down? I know the testosterone does it, I know, but maybe just simmer down just a little bit. Live your life,  love your life, don't take from others that is not yours.
Image result for peace not war
Have a lovely Monday.


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