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Acting Guilty

When someone is guilty and they know it they often go on the offensive. Meaning, they will blame others for exactly what they are guilty of. This is also called deflection.

We have seen this with Donald Trump so many times, not just in the last three years but, over the last thirty that he has been in the public eye.

His bankruptcies, his draft dodging, his mistresses, etc.

He has floated through life shielded first by his father and next by his own lawyers. He has lied, done wrong, lied about and done wrong again. Never has it caught up to him, not once.

Fast-forward to now:

The 1st Amendment, Freedom of the Press became secondary to a domestic terrorist yesterday when Donald Trump told Jim Acosta that he was the "enemy of the people." Donald Trump, the President of the United States, defended the pipe bomber and attacked Jim Acosta, a man doing his job. An intern was flagged to aggressively take Jim Acosta's microphone and then, true to authoritarian form, Sarah Sanders said he assaulted the intern. Our eyes do not deceive us, trust what you see on that video.

Tuesday, a mere two days ago, Democrats took the House. Donald Trump is now scared shitless because he is no longer going to be shielded by people like Devin Nunes and Trey Gowdy. No, instead he will be facing people like Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell who will find the truth and hold Trump to account.

If he was innocent what would cause him to act the way he has been? If he innocent of actual collusion with a hostile government? Maybe. He's not innocent of money laundering. In fact, I would bet money that he's laundering money with that $106 million he earned for his 2020 campaign.

Mr. Acosta has his credentials removed yesterday, the same day that Trump fired Jeff Sessions. 

My response to this and my message to all members of the press pool, don't show up. If you do show up and one of your colleagues asks a question only to be cut off, ask the same exact question until you get an answer. You're a team, act like it.

Image result for donald trump 11/7/18

In this image, Trump is calling Jim Acosta the "enemy of the people". Trump went completely off the rails yesterday. He's yelling at Mr. Acosta while the intern goes to forcibly rip the microphone out of Jim's hand. Jim was doing his job. Mr. Trump hasn't been.

So, what faces us today as we have a president who is now scared and paranoid? What is Bob Mueller doing right now to make sure that Trump doesn't start a war or blow shit up just to deflect from his obvious madness? I don't know. We don't know.

We are in the thick of it, folks. This is a constitutional crisis and we are in trouble.


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