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40 by 40: Days 0 through 2

I can't really believe I'm documenting this but I feel like I have to in order to stay motivated.

Friday, I went to the doctor and was told that I am approaching "obese" by way of BMI. I am 5'6" and currently weigh, (I can't believe I'm typing this) 183 lbs. On August 14th, I will be 40 and I have set a goal to lose 40 (really 43 to make it even) pounds by the time I get there.

Yes, this is an aggressive goal but I know from past experience that I can do it. In 2012, I lost 30 pounds in three months, it is possible.

So what have I done to start this journey?

Day 0
I ordered a subscription to Beachbody On Demand and chose a program: 80 Day Obsession. I read through the materials, ordered the portion containers, the resistance bands and the sliders. Since I don't have a Smart TV, I also ordered an Amazon Fire Stick so I could stream the Beachbody On Demand app on my television to work out.

Day 1
The Fire Stick arrived so I plugged it into my TV and set it up, downloaded the app and pushed play. Right off the bat I knew I would like Autumn Calabrese. She is VERY good at her job and kept the motivation up for the full hour of Total Body Core. It was hard, but it would have been harder for me to quit, so I kept going.

Day 2
Today was Booty. No really, that's the name of the workout. I really liked it. What I like the most, especially as a woman that has had two kids, is the focus on the core. I hate my stomach. HATE it! I have hated it for a long time and I want it gone. I am self-conscious about it, I feel like a disgusting blob and it needs to go. Her focus on core is so needed for me and my body fcking hurts today and I'm grateful. I got up at 4:00 am, worked out, ate a purple container, and 90 mins later, I had an egg white omelet. Now, I'm sitting at work after walking a mile from the train.

I need to do this because basically, my life depends on it. If I keep on the upward path of gaining weight I run a higher risk for diabetes, stroke, heart disease, blood clots, etc. I just can't afford that.

So, I will blog about it everyday to keep myself motivated. I plan to walk down to the Charles River at lunch today and keep myself moving. Since I'm addicted to sugar, the nutrition will be a challenge.

Maybe, when I feel less atrocious I will share before and after pictures but right now, I'm just not there.

Tomorrow I do Cardio Core and will be back to recap how it went.

Thanks for coming on my journey with me and wish me luck and continued motivation.



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