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Right to Life

This morning I tweeted the below thread:

The 2nd Amendment:

  • -Doesn’t grant anyone the right to sell arms.
  • -Doesn’t authorize unrestricted access to guns. 
  • -Demands regulation.
  • -Refers specifically to a Militia (note the capital “M”)

Here’s where common sense comes in:

  1. Gun manufacturers are the only industry that produces a product without a warning label. 
  2. Gun manufacturers and sellers are the only industry that is not he’s responsible if their product is used to kill or maim. 

Here’s my proposal:

  1. Assess the need for each individual purchasing a gun
    1. How many guns do they already own?
    2. How much ammunition do they have?
    3. What do they need all the weapons and ammunition for?
  2. Register the bullets.
    1. Restrict ammunition amounts 
    2. Require a reason for the purchase 
    3. Stop selling high capacity weapons of war. 
  3. Universal background checks. 
  4. Penalties for not properly securing weapons. 
    1. Annual inspections to ensure proper storage of weapons.
  5. Any person that fits the demographic of a mass shooter is prohibited from owning guns until:
    1. They undergo an extensive psychological exam
    2. They provide valid reason for the need to acquire the weapon and ammunition

With every “right” comes responsibility. Gun lobbies, with the help of Citizens United, has eliminated the responsibility aspect of the Right.
It is beyond the point of implementing responsible laws and regulations.
I will not stop advocating for this. #GunControlNow

At what point do the gun fanatics realize that their argument is weak? They argue that they have a right to bear arms, but they don't have an unlimited right to bear arms. They stockpile these weapons out of fear of some type of apocalyptic event. Look at the Sandy Hook shooter, his mother kept weapons in case the world ended.

To be clear, I am not saying to ban guns outright. In fact, I don't think anyone is saying that. The request is pretty simple: stop allowing the slaughter of our children.

Are guns more important then human life? No.
Is the safety of our children more important than making gun lobbies richer? Yes.

It comes down to that, money.

No, you don't have the right to bear arms outside of a well-regulated Militia. No, you don't have to right to high capacity weapons of war. No, you don't have the right to unlimited amounts of ammunition. No, you don't have the right to kill.

Guns have one purpose, to kill.

Someone called me ignorant when I said that they were the problem for saying "Guns have never killed anyone ever." Think about that for a minute.

Guns have never killed anyone...

Knives have never killed anyone, cars have never killed anyone, plastic bags have never killed anyone....

Access is a factor.

In my high school there was a kid that zoomed around from class to class with a giant duffle bag. He didn't talk to people. He was overweight, he was antisocial, he was bullied. He fit the demographic of school shooter. Except I went to school in Massachusetts and was in high school from 1992 to 1996. I had never heard of a school shooting until Columbine. That's not to say there weren't any, I had just never heard of them.

If he had access to guns, if he had seen school shootings play out on the news, if he had been motivated to take revenge on his tormentors, would he have? I don't know. None of us know. What we do know is that these white male teens have crossed the line to murder people for making them feel bad about themselves.

This is a multifaceted problem.

Access to guns
Not enough supports in the home
Not enough access to mental health
Not enough education around mental health

When I say "not enough supports in the home" I am referring to the parents of the shooter and the tormentor. I teach my children to smile and be nice to everyone, no matter what. I teach them that bullying and teasing others is wrong. Alternately, parents need to talk to their kids about school shootings and be able to identify the signs that their child is having some issues. Not all children are talkers, particularly boys.

They have health class at school, add a mental health component to that. While educating our kids about mental health, about bullying, also add more restrictions to gun access.

I'm parroting myself here, but I know I'm not alone when I say this, the NRA has held control for too long and now it's time to vote these no-action politicians out of office and demand that change take place. How many kids could have been saved had they implemented common sense gun laws immediately after Columbine? You do the math.


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