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Politics Aside

Politics aside; I don't like Donald Trump.

I don't like people that degrade people. I don't like people that abuse their power. I don't like people that cause harm and belittle. I don't like people that gaslight.

I think about this quite a bit. As a person that considers herself a Christian, I struggle with the animus that I feel for him.

I used to listen to Howard Stern then Opie and Anthony. I would laugh at their jokes and when Trump was on, I would laugh at how they were making fun of him. They poked fun at him and he was so damn clueless that he didn't even realize it.

My husband used to watch The Apprentice, I would watch too. I remember feeling grossed out when the women on the show talked to Trump with such reverence. They called him, "Mr. President." It made me feel sick.

I remember his first marriage to Ivana. I remember the scandal of his affair with Marla Maples. I stopped paying attention after that. He was a non-entity to me. He was someone that manipulated his own reputation by pretending to be his own publicist. He lied about his net worth to gain entry to the Forbes 400 list.

When I look at him, as an outsider looking in that has never personally met the man, I see an empty husk.

He behaves based on how he expects people will perceive him and his behavior changes depending on who he's talking to. It all comes down to his need to be liked and respected. The sad part is that he has no idea how to earn people's respect. He just thinks he does.

It's like he acts out parts in movies. He incites these rallies and it's bizarre to me how people go so wild over his rhetoric when I can see that it's total garbage.

He went to military school, was never in the military. He claims to be religious, never goes to church. He claims to be a billionaire, he's not. I mean, what is he? Who is he?

What is he like to the people around him? The people that exist outside his echo chamber?

My feeling is that he is mean. I don't think he's a nice person and based on interviews in his past, I would say he has tendencies to like girls that aren't quite women yet. It's disturbing.

So, politics aside, I don't like the man. I don't like how he hugs the American Flag. I don't like how he said his comments about sexual assault were "locker room talk". I don't like how he said that he and his daughter have "sex" in common. I don't like how he kisses women on the mouth that he just meets. I don't like how he said about a 12 year old "I'll be dating her in ten years." I don't like it. That's not how a well intentioned person speaks.

If I had a boss like Donald Trump appears to be, I would have quit a long time ago.

When I ask Trump supporters what he has done for them personally, they never answer. I question their integrity not because of their political views, but because of their views of Trump on a non-political level. As a survivor of sexual assault, it upsets me that this man garners as much support as he does and it makes me feel like they are okay with sexual assault. It makes me feel like they support sexual assault. Does that make sense? As a survivor I can't support any man that has said and done the things Trump has said and done and been accused of doing. I just can't.

I am confused by the support he gets. I really am. He's just not the type of person I want my kids to know or grow up to be like. He's not admirable. He makes me sick and those feelings have nothing to do with his politics and everything to do with how awful a person he seems to be.


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