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40 by 40: Day 5 Leg Day

Leg day, ahhh, leg day. I actually like leg day because I don't have to do push-ups. I have wrist issues. However, my hamstrings were twitching like mad and walking up to Beacon Hill from Back Bay was way more straining than usual.

My first weight check was Friday, May 25th: 183
Today, I weighed myself (a week later) and: 179.5
Goal: 143
Remaining to lose: 36.5

Just seeing the numbers go down is so motivating because I know that what I am doing is working. I am also totally aware of the fact that the first few pounds go away easily and it's the stubborn last few that linger, but I'm on my way. Hell, I've done it before.

I can't blog too long today. I have a fire to put out. But tomorrow I have more cardio and while I hate it I know it's important.

Talk soon


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