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Degradation of the Office of the President

Yesterday I tweeted:

"Trump has degraded the office of the presidency so much. Before him, I thought the President was the most informed member of our society. I believed they relied on our IC and made careful informed decisions with national security in mind.
I do not feel that way about Trump.

In fact, I think he’s a fool. The way the world looks at him and the fact that he is supposedly representing the American people is insulting to me.
His constant attacks on our DOJ and IC and the media, his ignorance of tragedies and victories of minorities, are appalling.

His policy to rip migrant children away from the parents and putting them in what is essentially a jail is despicable.

Then, there are the constant lies. The gaslighting. The manipulation and abuse. The people that follow him with no full understanding of why, the congress that refuses to do their job and hold him’s honestly unreal.

It’s so easy to become desensitized but don’t. Take a minute and really look at the state of things. While we are still fighting for our democracy the fact can’t be denied that America today is not the America of yesterday. Everyday we get further from our roots.

Think about a time when you really respected a former president and his administration. Put yourself there mentally. Remember how you felt when the president spoke. Remember how you felt when he interacted with people from other countries and from various parts of the country.

Now, think about Trump. How do you feel when he speaks? Interacts with foreign leaders? Victims and survivors of gun violence?
I feel embarrassed.

He is the relative that repeats ludicrous conspiracy theories and lies so much he believes what he’s saying. He is a crazy uncle that families tolerate but would rather leave in the home. Come on, you know what I’m talking about.

This man that represents America on the world stage is an embarrassment to Americans.

Don’t forget what normal looks like. I assure you, this is far from normal."

The more I think about this, the more angry I get about it. As an American citizen, I'm embarrassed by what Trump has done, and continues to do, to our country. I'm going to take it a step further.

Pretend you're someone that has always distrusted the government. You think there is some kind of "deep state" or "shadow government" in play. You have been brainwashed to believe that the Department of Justice and the Intelligence Community are bad people and that they don't have the best interest of the American people at heart. You are one of the people that reads InfoWars and believed that Sandy Hook was a hoax. You believed that Hillary Clinton murdered people and that she was the head of some kind of bizarre pedophile ring run out of a pizza parlor. When a conspiracy theory is presented to you, your imagination goes into hyperdrive, you start fabricating and filling in holes with your own theories.

Are you there?


Enter Trump.

Trump hates minorities. He has a track record of discrimination. His father was arrested at a KKK rally and bigotry is hereditary. He has been on record saying Native Americans shouldn't receive tax breaks because "they don't look like Indians to me." Then he has Andrew Jackson hanging in his office, who signed the Indian Removal Act in 1830. "In 1838 and 1839, as part of Andrew Jackson's Indian removal policy, the Cherokee nation was forced to give up its lands east of the Mississippi River and to migrate to an area in present-day Oklahoma. The Cherokee people called this journey the "Trail of Tears," because of its devastating effects." (Wikipedia)

At his rallies he incites that inner hatred that lives in the hearts of many in this country of ours. Why white men are so angry is beyond me. However, Hitler once said that vengeance is what keeps him going and it seems to me that Trump is the same.

He has a policy, that he claims is a democrat implemented law, to separate migrant children from their parents. These children are put in cages, like dogs in a kennel, away from their parents, alone and afraid. Trump is using them as a bargaining chip to get his stupid fucking wall.

This could be an entire topic all its own but it is a Human Rights Violation and a surefire way to get a new generation to hate America. Because why wouldn't they?

This evil man did not win the presidency, he stole it. He stole it and he continues to rob us and people that support him are allowing him to continuously rape our country.

Do you think Donald Trump is keeping us safe? I don't.
Do you think that Donald Trump has National Security at heart? I don't.
Do you think that Donald Trump cares about those little children? I don't.
Do you think Donald Trump is relying on the Intelligence Community? I don't.

So what do we do about it when Congress refuses to listen to us?

Yes, obviously, vote.

But what if Russia does it again? They will you know. Then what? Do you think that if Trump believes he can't be indicted as a sitting president that he will ever stop being president? I don't. I think he would change term limits or remove them altogether to remain where he is because HE feels safe.

As long as he feels safe, none of us are.

As long as he is in office, we are all in grave danger.

It starts out with hate, with a movement of hate, it grows into something even more horrible than anyone imagined, the media hurts us, the media helps him, the media helps themselves, and here we are. Children are in cages, Social Security will run out three years sooner than expected and the rich just keep getting richer.

This is a sad sad time in our history.

I am very afraid for the future.


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