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I want to challenge the Mainstream Media to stop reporting on Donald Trump's tweets and lies. When his words are amplified and broadcast to a greater audience, we all suffer.

Let's take an imaginary walk. Come along?

Imagine, for a moment, that the MSM didn't go for (term that I hate) low hanging fruit, but instead went looking for real stories that have merit and that unite our fractured nation.

Imagine a news cycle with no Trump related garbage but instead highlights about the good being done in communities across the country. Imagine stories that highlight the kindness in communities and the outpouring of love and support in times of tragedy.

Imagine that instead of airing the vitriol filled speech of Donald Trump or the NRA, we instead focus on messages of hope and strength. Our leaders do not represent the majority. This isn't hyperbole or opinion, it is a fact.

It is a fact that in the 2016 Presidential Election more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton's policies than those of Donald Trump. I scrutinized the voter information that is publicized. I looked at that spreadsheet and tried so hard to figure it out. The margin of his victories were so small in the swing states, so small that it wasn't large enough for the states to look into it according to protocol, not large enough to mandate a recount and that was suspicious.

Given all we know, all we have seen, all we experience on a daily basis, I think it is fair to say that Donald Trump is a cancer. His hatred is catching and the more he's on air, the more he tweets, the more attention he gets, the worse it gets. He is a virus.

The most disarming act a person can do is smile. Say "hello" to people in the elevator. Smile at them, say "good morning".

Arguments on policy are always going to be there but where we are now is so far from where we have ever been...and not in a good way.

People literally hate each other because of Donald Trump. Stop and think about that for a minute. Donald Trump, the wannabe billionaire, wannabe mafioso, wannabe reality tv star, is getting so much under people's skin that they are losing lifelong friendships.

I know, I know, it goes deeper than that. Trump has peeled the pretty picture off the decay. This country is more racist and sexist than I ever thought possible. Part of that is naivete, part of it was hope. But how can we, a country that was founded to establish a free state while keeping people enslaved ever be free from the shackles of our past?

There's only one way.


Trump talks about a "double standard" because a black woman got an apology from a television executive when he didn't. This isn't a double standard, this is the painting that the white patriarchy painted.

Not all people are bad. With that said, not all white men are bad. My father is one and my husband is one and they are both wonderful men. However, there is a certain perception about certain white male elites that is less than favorable. They don't ask, they take.

This is a residual leftover from slavery. In fact, everything that is happening in our country stems back to slavery. Don't you see? We are still enslaving people, just in a different way. Police across the country have established a legalized method of lynching because they "feared for their life" when a black man was on his cell phone and they thought it was a gun. Police Departments were recruiting white supremacists to be on the force for this very reason.

I beg the minority community, please, join the police force. Your presence there will be a start to the changes we need to see. I know, it's hard, some of those people are total assholes, but you can be better than them because you already are.

So long we have fought for freedom and we still do. When I'm asked what I am, what is my race, I say "human". First and foremost I am a person, we all are.

I want to look at you and smile and see past your skin and into your heart. I want you to look at me and see past my gender and into my heart. How we look, who we love, has no bearing on who we are. We are all people, here together, and none of us will get out alive.

In conclusion, help me to spread kindness. Share something amazing that you have witnessed or that has happened in your life that has inspired you to be different.

How can we beat Trump? By being better.

Show me that we are.



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