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Mayor Larry Vaughn - Amity Island

Yesterday I worked remotely and had the TV on in the background, as I usually do. It helps me focus on my work, oddly enough. Anyway, I decided to watch Jaws followed by Jaws II and then Jaws III (which never happened btw). 

It struck me as odd that Mayor Larry Vaughn (Vaughn is my maiden name) was re-elected after the shark attacks that took place due to his lack of action in closing those beaches. Yeah, it's fiction, but is it really that far off?

We are sitting here with the biggest damn fool as president and he got there, in part, because 62 million Americans voted for him. That is a staggering number. Sure, 12 million MORE people voted against him but because of our weird American ways, Trump is president.

So, is it so far fetched that Larry Vaughn was re-elected mayor after a psycho shark massacred innocent beachgoers? Nope.

Simon Cowell of American Idol fame had an affair with his best friend's wife and got her pregnant. Because he came out and said, "It happens," and didn't make a big deal out of it, it faded away as quickly as it appeared. 

Then Trump happened. 

What have I learned from this?

That Americans, and people in general, are way more acceptable of major character flaws when we don't try to hide them. If there's nothing to hide, but propaganda is spread and the person tries to defend themselves, it's too late because there is a certain percentage of people that have already been fooled into believing the lie and thus conspiracy grows.

The Russians have been doing this forever, by the way. It just got easier for them because of social media, the flawed candidate (Donald Trump), a bunch of greedy and dishonest politicians and businessmen and the abolition of the Fairness Doctrine.

It was a perfect shitstorm.

So I get it, I get how Larry Vaughn was re-elected. The devil you know is better than the devil you don't, right? WRONG!

Collusion aside, Trump is a terrible human being. I don't have to list out his flaws, we all know what they are. Just look.

You believed the worst of a woman while accepting the worst of a man because he showed you his hand and she had nothing to hide. 

Pitiful. The 2016 election was a pitiful experiment that showed how racist, sexist and utterly braindead a good portion of our populace is. 

Personally, I'm sick of being nice to people that segregated their feelings of compassion to others based upon skin color or heritage. I'm sick of the hatred, the greed and the cruelty that comes from the leaders and the followers. 

They want to call me a sheep? Wrong, I'm a shepherd. 


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