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Compare and Contrast

Typically, I don't like to compare things but I have to force myself to compare some things in order to remain calm and sane.

I'm talking about the current political landscape, of course. Everything happening right now is unprecedented, it's abnormal and we should be worried.

I've been saying all along that Trump isn't a problem by himself. It's like when one of the kids throws a temper tantrum and we walk away to let them get it out of their system. However, if one of the kids throws a tantrum and ALL of the other kids decide to join in, well, then we have a bigger problem on our hands.

What we are seeing right now is a weird sort of blind agreement to a man that is so utterly awful it's not even possible to put into words just how awful he truly is. We have people kissing his ring and bowing down to him and it is not out of respect. It might be out of fear, though. Fear that something quite embarrassing will be released, oppo research perhaps, that could be career ending for lifelong politicians.

Trump's past is decorated with tacky gold lamé and scandal. He's always acted like an outsider to the supposed social elite. He's tried to become one of those people on his own, with no help. Instead what we got was a trashy version of the Kennedy's with Ivanka parading around in her plastic skin and expensive clothes. Sadly, they are lacking the heart and soul that the Kennedy's had. The Trump's are nowhere near the Kennedy's. Instead, they try to play the part and they fail, time and again.

It's not about left and right. In fact, there's really no fight to be had at all, it's all manufactured because Trump needs a foe. He needs to win at everything so therefore he has to fight against everything. His kids do it too. Fox News amplifies it. Fox News inserts conspiracy theories into Trump's brain and they incubate and grow and hatch on Twitter. It's really messed up!

His base of supporters expects this blustering strongman tactic at his rallies. They expect Trump to bring up Hillary Clinton, if he doesn't they'll be disappointed. It's his one hit wonder that causes them all to fall in line and sing along. The problem is that there's nothing to sing about. There's no substance to the song. There's no conspiracy there.

He compares because he has to in order to maintain speed. He also compares because he always has.

Look at his past. Look at him. Ignore the man he plays on television, twitter and his rallies, but look instead at the Trump we have all seen over the last 30 plus years.

He is always trying to be something that he has no idea how to actually be. By doing that, he has no experience at anything except pretending. He doesn't even know who he really is. He wants to be a mafioso, he wants to be loved, he wants to be respected, but he doesn't know how because he has never been respected, he doesn't know how to show respect and he likely never got the love and attention he deserved as a little boy. He acts like the kid that was always bullied but somehow overcame and is seeking vengeance to show the world that he won. But he wasn't ever bullied. That was all in his head. He wasn't ever an underdog, he was born rich. He wasn't ever poor, he never wanted for anything, he never feared missing a meal, he never had to worry about wearing the same clothes twice in one week. So how can he relate to any of us?

He can't.

In closing, look at what our previous leaders and heroes have said. Look at their actions. Then, look at Trump. What do you see? What did you learn? Is he the man you want him to be? Is he the type of leader you need him to be? Has he done what you need him to do?

Answer those questions to wake up.


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