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What in fresh hell...?

I'm sitting here completely flummoxed. If you aren't flummoxed, flabbergasted, outraged and/or fucking horrified, well then, I don't know that there is any hope for you.

The Trump presidency began as a small nuisance, something people laughed off. In 2015, when he announced he was running, a massive majority of American citizens thought there was no way in hell he would ever win.

The things he said during the campaign were outlandish, ridiculous and outright lies. He took cues from the demagogue's handbook. He insulted women, immigrants, service men and women, heroes, his opponents, children, the disabled...and the list goes on. Still, people stood by him.

The day the Access Hollywood tape came out I said, "That's it, he's done." I was wrong. He wasn't done. After all, he said it was just "Locker room talk". As he lumbered around behind Hillary Clinton like a deranged Michael Meyers from Halloween acting like a victim, I knew how wrong I was.

People said, "He speaks his mind" and "He's funding his own campaign" and "He could burn down an orphanage and Hillary Clinton would still be worse."

Donald Trump has effectively tricked at least 30% of America into believing him. Now, they are wallowing in the world of cognitive dissonance and nothing any of us say will shake them free.

Throughout the campaign we all saw the ads on Facebook and Twitter. We saw the lies being told. We saw them being amplified. We saw our friends and families buying into the lies, latching onto them as fact and then using them whenever Trump, or his 'people', did something horrible, they said, and still say, "Well what about when..." and I want to scream inside because the "whatboutism" isn't even based on fact!

Then, the lies got more brazen. He said "Putin? I don't know Putin, who even is Putin" (paraphrased). He claimed, after being briefed to the contrary, that the hacking was done by some other country or perhaps a 400 pound man in a basement. He blamed everyone under the sun for the attack except for the people that actually hacked.

Trump was briefed. He saw proof of the hack. He still publicly denied it, called it a "witch hunt" over and over and over again.

Still, the lies grew.

The school shootings and lack of action, the children being torn from their parents and lack of action, the request for tax returns and lack of action, the impotence of this Congress and the ineffectiveness of our government has turned Donald Trump, a true fucking traitor, into an even bigger mess had Congress stood up to him.

Instead, children die, children suffer, and Americans get fucked because some rich fucking assholes want to get richer.

Now, after a whole shit load of horrible things that I didn't write about transpired, we come to the summit.

Putin and Trump, in a room, the translator.

Putin and Trump, in a room, alone.

Putin and Trump, in a room.

Putin...the man that orchestrated the cyber-attack on Americans, in a room, alone, with the man that saw the evidence of the attack and denied it tenfold.

Then...after the summit... after Putin tried to "make a deal" during the press briefing for access to question American citizens, Trump is toying with the idea of turning over an American to the Russian government.

I can't wrap my head around any of this. The last few days have been damn insane and none of it makes sense unless Trump is compromised.

Why else would an American EVER grab their ankles and say, "Okay, Vladimir, go..."

Furthermore, why would an American like Trump do this??? Think about it. Has Trump EVER in his life shown a willingness to back down? Nope. But he backs up to Putin.

So, here we are wondering what in fresh hell is going on. We sit here, mind-boggled in our own little microcosm of reality. We see Sarah Sanders lie daily. We see Fox News amplify those lies. We see that extra special slice of the American populace say, "Damn libturds!" and eat up every single lie.

We see all this happening while people are being poisoned by Russians, while Russian journalists are murdered, while Russian presidential opponents are jailed, while innocent children are being kidnapped from their parents by the American government, while school shootings continue to rise, while a trade war ensues, while Americans are dying because they don't have health insurance, while our environment is being destroyed, while the current administration tries to erase minorities, while the president worships a man responsible for the slaughter of hundreds of Native Americans...and on and on...

It's easy to get lost, overwhelmed, tired...I know I am tired.

Can we make it to November? Will it even matter? How can we fix this?


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